• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

Universiti Malaya is committed to demonstrating leadership in sustainable development in the University and fostering sustainability values and principles for students, staff, stakeholders, and the wider community. This aspiration aligns with the vision, mission, and core values of the University, reflecting our living motto: Serving the Nation, Impacting the World.  

This section comprises a guidance list of references in the form of policy, blueprint, guideline, action plan, or handbook related to campus sustainability in a broader spectrum (environment, social, and economic) either developed in-house or co-created with our strategic sustainability partners. These documents are not meant to be exhaustive but to provide directions and tips that apply to all campus communities and the public.

Key Definition:
Policy: a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.

Blueprint: something which acts as a plan, model, or template for others.
Action Plan: a proposed strategy or course of action.
Guideline: a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
Handbook: a book giving information such as facts or instructions on a particular subject

LATEST: UM Sustainability Policy
2021-2030 (Second Edition)
Reviewed: 1 September 2023

Zero Single Use Plastics Guideline
(First Phase)
Endorsed: 13 August 2024


  1. LATEST: Universiti Malaya Sustainability Policy 2021 - 2030 (Second Version) / Dasar Kelestarian Universiti Malaya 2021 - 2030 (Versi Kedua) Medium: English

  2. Universiti Malaya Sustainability Policy / Dasar Kelestarian Universiti Malaya 2021 - 2030 (UMSP) Medium: English

  3. Dasar Larangan Penggunaan Plastik Sekali-Guna dan Pengasingan Sisa Makanan di Kafeteria / Premis Makanan di Universiti Malaya 2019 / Policy on Single-Use Plastics Banning and Food Waste Separation at Cafeteria / Food Premises UM 2019 Medium: Malay

  4. Polisi Bebas Tembakau dan Produk Merokok Universiti Malaya 2022 / Universiti Malaya Tobacco-Free Policy 2022 Medium: Malay

Endorsed: 2016

Endorsed: 2016


  1. Universiti Malaya Eco-Campus Blueprint (UMECB) Medium: English
  2. Pelan Pembangunan Eko-Kampus Universiti Malaya (UMECB) Medium: Malay

Action Plan

  1. LATEST: Universiti Malaya Action Plan on Single-Use Plastics and Disposable Items Reduction (1st Edition, 2022) Medium: English


    Published in 2023 @ UM Sustainability Festival 2023

    Second Edition, Reviewed in 2021



  1. LATEST: UM Green Events Guideline: A Guide to Running Green Meetings and Events (2023) Medium: English

  2. UM Eco-Campus Living Lab Guidelines: Step-by-Step Guidance (Reviewed 2021) Green Event (EcoCampus@UM), Landscape and Biodiversity (The Rimba Project), Waste (UM Zero Waste Campaign & Safe D.U.M.P), Water (Water Warriors UM), Energy (Energy Saving Culture), Transportation (Centre for Transportation Research), Green Procurement, Education Management (Green Mosque) & Change Management (UM Living Lab System) Medium: English and Malay
  3. UM Green Procurement Handbook & Guideline (2018) Medium: English

Published: 2021

Published: 2021


  1. Water Handbook: Sustainable Consumption and Conservation for Individuals and Organisations: Sustain, Conserve and Restore (Co-Developed by Air Selangor and Universiti Malaya) Medium: English
  2. Buku Panduan Air: Penggunaan dan Pemuliharaan yang Lestari untuk Individu dan Organisasi: Lestari, Pelihara dan Pulihara (Dibangunkan bersama oleh Air Selangor dan Universiti Malaya) Medium: Malay

    Released: 2021


  1. Home Composting Tips (Developed by UM Zero Waste Campaign) (2021) Medium: English

Last Update: 27/08/2024