• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

The Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Go Green Movement recently embarked on a benchmarking visit to Universiti Malaya (UM), hosted by UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UMSDC) and the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB). This initiative aimed to foster knowledge exchange and exploring potential collaboration in sustainable practices between the two Malaysian (public and private) universities.

The visit commenced with a warm welcome from UM's Sustainability and Development Centre represented by Dr. Noor Suzaini Mohamed Zaid (Coordinator, EcoCampus@UM), setting the tone for an engaging and insightful experience. The UTP delegation had the opportunity to explore UM's green initiatives, gaining valuable insights into the university's successful sustainability programs and practices, in particular the UM Living Labs action research initiatives. In addition, Pn. Mairuz Asmarafariza Azlan, key person of UM Zero Waste Campaign shared ZWC journey and challenges from the view of one of the oldest and pioneer living lab projects, focusing on sustainable solid waste management. Mr. Mohd Fadhli Rahmat Fakri (Research Officer, UMSDC) moderated the interactive recap and Q&A session with UTP delegation. 

The benchmarking visit covered various aspects of sustainability, including energy efficiency, waste management, green infrastructure, and sustainable community engagement. The UTP team had the chance to witness firsthand UM's innovative approaches to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainability enculturation across the campus, benefitting both staff and students.

The collaborative discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions provided a platform for both universities to learn from each other's successes and challenges in implementing green initiatives.

Overall, the benchmarking visit proved to be a fruitful endeavor, fostering a spirit of empowerment and mutual learning between UTP and UM. The exchange of ideas and best practices in sustainability will undoubtedly contribute to the continuous improvement of both universities' environmental efforts, aligning with the global push for more sustainable and carbon neutral campuses. The event showcased the commitment of Malaysian universities, public and private, to creating a greener and more sustainable future.

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