• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

UM SDC to Partner up with PureGreen Digital in Promoting Web Carbon Footprint Awareness and Training
Initial Discussion: 12 April 2022 (Tuesday) 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm via Google Meet


Have you pondered these questions: How is your website impacting the planet? How much carbon footprint does your website leave annually? How can the use of images, file formats, fonts, and frameworks help in reducing the carbon footprint generated by your website? 

In our quest to address these questions, UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC) received a proposal of collaboration by PureGreen Digital led by Mr. Justin Wong (Sustainability Consultant and Social Entrepreneur - founder of PureGreen Digital). An initial discussion has been carried out between UM SDC and PureGreen Digital with guidance from Dr. Bong Yii Bonn (Acting Director, UM Industry Liaison Office) in exploring vast opportunities beyond its original proposal on awareness and training. Element of research, innovation, and white paper (policy recommendation) has also been put forth for future consideration in a long-term partnership. 

Awareness talk and training on web carbon footprint co-hosted in partnership between UM SDC and PureGreen Digital is expected to kick off in mid-year 2022. This partnership is part of the strategic sustainability program in preparing UM to be a carbon-neutral campus by 2050. 

More details on PureGreen Digital: https://puregreendigital.com 

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