As a follow-up to the completion of the open pitching session on UM Eco-Challenge category hosted by UMCares in 2021, a group of educators from Pulau Pinang called Persatuan Pendidik Lestari Hijau Pulau Pinang (in short, GREW) has put forth a proposal to UM through UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC) with support of the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB). This partnership proposal between UM and GREW focuses on the campus x school sustainability best practices sharing session. A half-day program will be co-designed in the form of a benchmarking visit of 25 educators of GREW to the Universiti Malaya campus in June 2022.
This visit will introduce UM to GREW members from the lens of campus sustainability initiatives based on the 8 Core Areas of UM Eco-Campus Blueprint (UMECB), namely Biodiversity and Landscape, Waste, Water, Energy, Transport, Green Procurement, Education, and Change Management. The program is scheduled for 10 June 2022 (Friday) at Rimba Ilmu, with site visits to several key sustainability sites on campus. Special thanks to Mr. Khou Jerome (Chairperson of GREW) and Mr. Ong Soon Yeong (Program Coordinator, GREW) for choosing UM as one of the campus sustainability destinations for the benchmark visits.
UM SDC believes that educators with strong will and leadership supported by an inclusive educational ecosystem play a crucial role in promoting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to the younger generations.
UM SDC bakal bekerjasama dengan Persatuan Pendidik Lestari Hijau Pulau Pinang dalam hasrat merealisasikan aspirasi perkongsian amalan kelestarian terbaik untuk dikongsikan antara kedua-dua belah pihak. Ianya sejajar dengan hasrat UM sebagai Universiti bertaraf antarabangsa yang memberikan impak kepada dunia untuk sama-sama menyumbang ke arah transformasi ekosistem pendidikan pembangunan mampan yang lebih lestari demi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan generasi masa depan.
More details on GREW:
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