• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

Let's Rock @ Rimba Ilmu
UM Planetary Health (#UMHP) Explorace 2022

Hosted by Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) 
In partnership with Rimba Ilmu, UM Centre for Continuing Education (UMCCed) & UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UMSDC)

27 August 2022 (Saturday) 8 am - 1 pm @ Rimba Ilmu Botanical Garden

Our global environment is changing. We are now in a new geological era of the Anthropocene - dramatic human impact on Earth's biophysical conditions. Universiti Malaya, through Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), spearheads the initiative and leadership by joining the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA).

PHA is a growing consortium of over 300 universities, NGOs, research institutes, and government entities from over 60 countries worldwide committed to understanding and addressing the impacts of global environmental change on human health and wellbeing. 

On 27 August 2022, in conjunction with UM Planetary Health campaign, IAS hosted an interactive explorace embedded with educational activities while promoting a healthy lifestyle. 21 teams of contenders from UM staff and students participated in this inaugural UM Planetary Health Explorace at Rimba Ilmu - the green gem of UM. Participants were challenged to complete all the biodiversity and environmental quizzes in 2 hours. 

Congratulations to the International University of Malaya - Wales (IUMW) team as the Champion of the Day! This event is hosted in partnership with Rimba Ilmu, UMCCed, and UMSDC. 

'Inspire, Be Inspired'

More info:
Rimba Ilmu: https://rimba.um.edu.my/
Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS): https://ias.um.edu.my/
Planetary Health Alliance (PHA): http://www.planetaryhealthalliance.org/planetary-health

#universitimalaya #umhp #pha #umplanetaryhealth #servingthenation #impactingtheworld
#umsustainability #ecocampusum #rimbailmu #explorace #healthylifestyle #inspirebeinspired
