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UM Eco-Challenge Award 2021/2022 featuring Kurshiah Cares (KK3) & Bestari Cares (KK4) in Realizing the Spirit of 'Empowering Community, Mobilizing Sustainability Commitment
Evaluation Session with Panel of Evaluators: 20 July 2022 (Wednesday) 10 am - 11 am via Microsoft Teams


As the world is moving towards the Agenda of Sustainable Development 2030, commonly known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), higher learning institutions play a crucial role and serve as one of the best platforms for nurturing young sustainability champions. Universiti Malaya via UM Community Engagement Centre (UMCares), in partnership with UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC), has taken up the initiative of providing the platform for students to showcase their impactful community engagement programs and sustainability initiatives on an annual basis. The platform called UMCares Squad Award (for Community Engagement) and UM Eco-Challenge Award (for Sustainability) promotes healthy competition among student groups to make UM a more sustainable university holistically by covering environment, social, and economic dimensions. 

In this year's participation in UM Eco-Challenge category, two (2) squads: Kurshiah Cares (3rd Residential College) and Bestari Cares (4th Residential College), have put forth their sustainability initiatives and presented their achievements and challenges before the panel of evaluators. The results are expected to be announced in September or October 2022. UM Eco-Challenge assesses the following elements: 1) landscape and biodiversity, 2) waste, 3) water, 4) energy and climate change, and 5) transportation and mobility. One of the highlights of this year's evaluation is to promote the spirit of Partnership for the Goals. 

Special thanks to our panel of evaluators for sharing their constructive feedback and support: 1) AP Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad (UMSDC), 2) Dr. Sarah Abdul Razak (Faculty of Science UM), 3) Ms. Nurul Nabila Shohimi (EcoKnights - representing NGO), and 4) Mr. Affan Nasaruddin (UMSDC). Best wishes to both teams! 

#umsustainability #umsdc #umecochallenge #umcaressquad #residentialcollege #sdg #kurshiahcares #bestaricares #inspirebeinspired #universitimalaya #servingthenation #impactingtheworld 
