• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

UM CDC hosted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Impact Reports Syndication Workshop
in Empowering Sustainability Data Reporting and Coordination 

When it comes to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is no surprise that data governance is crucial in accelerating the progress. Data can serve as a core resource for action to meet the SDG targets. Often, little data or under-reporting is considered a challenge, across all, if not most organisations, which needs attention in order for us to pave the way for meeting the ambition of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development.

At Universiti Malaya, UM Corporate Data Centre (CDC) as the central data coordination entity, took the initiative by hosting a strategic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Impact Reports Syndication Workshop in Empowering Sustainability Data Reporting and Coordination. This workshop was attended by respective members of UM Corporate Data Centre (CDC), UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UMSDC), Department of Development & Estate Maintenance (JPPHB), Institute of Research Management & Services (IPPP), & Faculty of Built Environment UM.  

This session provides a viable platform for key sustainability stakeholders to discuss and promote a better understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and hence, better strategize quality data empowerment, for the campus community to adopt and support. It is worth highlighting that the data managers and controllers appointed by the Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) at all PTjs, play an essential role in facilitating the university to create a sustainable data governance ecosystem: to make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. 

Special thanks to CDC UM in spearheading the initiative. 

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