• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

Staff from the Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, UM, have united to form the AW@S (Agronomics Waste System) team, dedicated to tackling agricultural waste management issues within the UM campus. Effective management of agricultural waste is crucial due to its significant impact on air and water quality, as well as soil health.

Annually, the Faculty of Science generates approximately 7200 kg of agricultural waste. In addition, there are about 8000 kg of leftover mushroom chunks from research projects each year, and 20 kg of dry goat manure produced daily.

The AW@S team has successfully diverted these agricultural wastes from landfills by converting them into compost. A notable achievement includes the development of Agroflap, a new collapsible composting bin that is portable and easy to assemble. This innovation has not only empowered staff but also enhanced their expertise in waste management practices. This innovation has also been extended to external communities in urban areas in Kuala Lumpur, Kepong, Semenyih, as well as Perlis and Terengganu.

Our center praised this innovative initiative for its significant potential and the substantial benefits it offers to students, staff, and the local community. We also hope to see the initiative expand to other departments within the campus and beyond, benefiting the immediate community as well.