• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

Sustainability Sharing Session between UMSDC, JPPHB, UM ZWC & UM Medical Centre (PPUM)
on Single-Use Plastics and Disposable Items Reduction Action Plan

In a continuous effort towards campus sustainability, the Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC) has joined hands with the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB), UM Zero Waste Campaign (UM ZWC) and the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (PPUM) to deep dive on strategies and progress on the implementation of action plan aimed at reducing single-use plastics and disposable items. This effort marks a significant collaborative step forward in addressing sustainability concerns and promoting sustainable practices within campus and university's healthcare institution (referring to UMMC).

The sharing session, which brought together key stakeholders, served as a platform to exchange best practices, innovative ideas, and success stories pertaining to sustainability initiatives. 

The sharing session outlines strategies for phasing out non-essential single-use plastics and identifying sustainable alternatives where feasible. Additionally, it includes measures to raise awareness among staff, students, patients, and visitors about the importance of waste reduction and recycling.

Moving forward, all members are committed to implementing the action plan and monitoring progress towards achieving tangible results in waste reduction and sustainability. Through continued collaboration and innovation, we aim to set a precedent for other members of UM Community to follow, creating a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

#UMSustainability #NoSingleUsePlastic #PPUM #UMMC #UMZWC #JPPHB
