WALKING THE SUSTAINABILITY TALK WITH ECOVOLUNTEERISM PROGRAM (Plogging, Wetland Maintenance, Pantai River Cleanup) hosted by SEKRUM Sekretariat Sukarelawan Universiti Malaya- Kluster Alam Sekitar dan Agribio, are co-created in partnership with Universiti Malaya Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC) & Environmental Sustainability and Health Unit of the Department of Development & Estate Maintenance (JPPHB) UM. A total of 60 student volunteers participated in this program.
AP. Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad (Director, UM SDC) and Mr. Noor Azril Ramli (Coordinator, Environmental and Health Sustainability Unit, JPPHB) delivered brief introductory remarks. Program walkthrough was provided and co-led by Mr. Arif (JPPHB for Wetland Maintenance) and Mr. Fadhli (UM SDC for Pantai River Cleanup). This ecovolunteerism program aims to instill the importance of a sustainable lifestyle with hands-on experience to all the volunteers.
Guess what? Plastics and textile waste are still top of the chart. Please recycle and do not litter! SEKRUM ecovolunteers collected about 40kg of waste in just 4 hours, including recyclables.
Our special thanks to the SEKRUM team (Ms. Jannah & Team) & the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB) team - Mr. Noor Azril Ramli & Mr. M. Arif Nazir.
This program resonates with the energy of #WorldWideTeachIn on Climate and Justice into real ecovoluntary works on campus ground.
Great job, everyone! SEKRUM Volunteers Go Green!
#SEKRUM #plogging #wetlandmaintenance #rivercleanup #umsdc #jpphb #sustainablecampus #ecovolunteer #volunteerism