Recap: 3 UM Young Lecturers Selected for the Future Earth's TERRA School 2021/2022
Call for Participants: 17th December 2021 - 4th January 2022
TERRA School: 16th February - 4 March 2022
Hosted by Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and Future Earth Japan
The TERRA School is a short-term intensive course on transdisciplinary research (TD) hosted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and Future Earth Japan. TERRA School introduces the principles, tools, methodologies, and practices of transdisciplinary research and aims to build up the skills and attitudes of early career researchers to take on TD activities. To date, 33 young researchers from more than 10 countries in Asia have taken the course.
UMSDC has called for participants among eligible UM young researchers on behalf of Future Earth's regional coordinator from Malaysia: Emeritus Prof. Nordin Hasan, the Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. On behalf of UM, congratulations to the following three UM researchers representing UM and Malaysia:
The nominations as participants are supported with a letter of recommendation from UMSDC per Future Earth's requirement. This year's TERRA School has started from 16th Feb till 4th March 2022 at RIHN/Future Earth Japan Hub. 17 young researchers from various backgrounds gathered from Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, India, and Bangladesh. In the course, they will learn about the theory, tools, and practice of transdisciplinary research (TD) and develop TD projects through workshops.
During the training period, members of various nationalities and backgrounds worked in groups to identify specific real-life social problems and developed research plans to solve them. As part of the reflection, participants shared that they made many friends and expanded their networks during this training, that they could come up with innovative ideas and solutions by collaborating with people with different expertise, and that they learned the importance of a holistic approach to complicated social issues.
#universitimalaya #umsustainability #futureearth #terraschool #transdisciplinary #earlycareer #researcher #globaluniversityimpactingtheworld #inspirebeinspired