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MoU Signing Ceremony on Green Mosque Partnership:
UM and Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (JAWI)

The role of mosques beyond the function of a place of worship for Muslims is worth mentioning. During the older days, especially during the Islamic Age of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his companions, mosques were once one of the most important public spaces. Mosques contribute to improving the quality of life and social interaction in various aspects: social, economic, and environment. 

Started as one of the ecocampus living labs in 2016/2017, the Imarah Green Project was initiated by a diverse group of UM researchers and staff (Academy of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance). One of the outputs of this green initiative is the transformation of Surau of Academy of Islamic Studies (APIUM) with the integration of green and sustainability features, including a rainwater harvesting system, LED energy-efficient lighting, backyard garden, Imarah Eco-Friends (student-led club), recycling campaign and the Lestari Shop.

As part of the strategic plan to ensure the positive impact of this initiative can benefit the larger community, on 13th June 2022, Universiti Malaya, through UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (JAWI) on Green Mosque partnership project. 

Datuk Mohd Ajib Ismail (Director of JAWI) and Profesor Ir. Dr. Shaliza Ibrahim (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation UM) signed the MoU with the presence of Minister in Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) YB Senator Datuk Idris Ahmad.

The sustainability partnership on Green Mosque is a strategic effort toward implementing sustainability and green innovation for mosques in Federal Territories as aspired in the Pelan Pengimarahan Masjid-Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan 2020-2024.

Congratulations to Dr. Asmawati Muhammad (Project Leader of Imarah Green Mosque from the Academy of Islamic Studies) and the team for championing this initiative. Special thanks to Special thanks to the National Water Services Commission (SPAN), Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA) on the conferment of RM30,000 to fund UM's Government Agency Grant (GA039-2021)
'Advokasi Kelestarian Alam Sekitar (Imarah Green Project) Melalui Program Masjid Hijau' 2021-2023

To date, there are a total of 89 mosques, 123 Friday's surau, and 611 surau across the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Labuan. 

News coverage by Sinar Harian (13th June 2022, Monday): https://m.sinarharian.com.my/mobile-article?articleid=259226

Read the Pelan Pengimarahan Masjid-Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan 2020-2024

#jawi #universitimalaya #umsustainability #greenmosque #greeninnovation #masjidhijau #wilayahpersekutuan #apium #ecocampusum #kualalumpur #putrajaya #labuan #servingthenation #impactingtheworld
