• umsdc@um.edu.my
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MoU Exchange Session:
UM and CARiNG Pharmacy collaborate to nurture future leaders of pharmacists and sustainability

The improper disposal of unused medicines is a worldwide concern due to its detrimental impact on the environment, economy, and health. In Universiti Malaya, the Safe Disposal of Unused Medicines (in short, Safe DUMP) kicked off as an ecocampus living lab in 2016/2017, led by a group of UM researchers (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy) and has taken the initiative to promote awareness and advocacy on the importance of responsible and safe disposal of unwanted medicines. 

After 2 years of a pilot study of a sustainability partnership between Safe DUMP and CARiNG Pharmacy,  CARiNG Pharmacy has launched the Do It Right Campaign in collaboration with multiple strategic partners, namely Bayer Malaysia, Duopharma Biotech, Johnson & Johnson, Viatris, UM, and Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad

The Do It Right Campaign encapsulates the following 3Rs:
READ the labels of the medicines in our cabinet and check which are expired and no longer needed

REMOVE the expired or unwanted medicines from our cabinet and place them into a bag, including removing the patient's detail.

RETURN the bag to any CARiNG Pharmacy near us for safe disposal. 

On 5th August 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) exchange ceremony took place between CARiNG Pharmacy and UM through the Faculty of Pharmacy to explore meaningful industrial-university linkages in nurturing future leaders in pharmacists. In addition, a soon-to-be inked Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC) aims to promote sustainability partnership on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) towards 2030. 

The Media Launch of the Do It Right Project was witnessed in the presence of Mr. Chong Yeow Siang (Managing Director of CARiNG Pharmacy), accompanied by Mr. Loo Jooi Leng (Marketing Director of CARiNG Pharmacy), Mr. Yeoh Yee Soon (General Manager Revenue – Direct & Event of Sin Chew), Professor Dr. Hasniza Zaman Huri (Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy UM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad (Director of UM SDC) and the strategic partners of this project.

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Lee Hong Gee (project leader of Safe DUMP) and the team on this remarkable sustainability journey. 

The Do It Right Project is a free service that offers a way to dispose of unwanted or expired medicines safely and conveniently at your local community pharmacy. Find out more about the service here:

Click here: News coverage by Sinchew (6 August 2022, Saturday) 

#safedump #universitimalaya #caringpharmacy #servingthenation #impactingtheworld #greenpharmacy #safedisposal #medicine #umsustainability #sdg #ecocampusum
