• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera
Warga Universiti Malaya

Pusat Pembangunan Lestari Universiti Malaya (UMSDC) merakamkan ucapan
Selamat Menyambut Hari Bumi Sedunia
22 April 2024

Tema sambutan Hari Bumi Sedunia 2024: 
'Planet vs. Plastik'


Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC) wishes all of you
Happy World Earth Day 2024
with the theme 'Planet vs Plastic'

We invite you to join us with our 4 simple tips for a greener lifestyle to reduce our plastic usage:
i. Bring your own reusable items
ii. Say no to single-use plastics
iii. Choose reusable alternatives
iv. Put more effort into reducing and reusing before recycling

Explore more information: Universiti Malaya Action Plan on Single-Use Plastics and Disposable Items Reduction

Best regards, 
Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC)
