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Citizen Science & Sustainability Research in Action: TrashBlitz, Beach Cleanup & Waste Audit @ 
Pantai Jeram, Kuala Selangor - addressing marine plastic pollution issue

Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC) together with the Department of Science and Technology Studies and Institute of Biological Sciences (ISB) - Faculty of Science in collaboration with Risks and Solutions: Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia (RaSP-SEA) project successfully hosted the TrashBlitz@Pantai Jeram program on January 21, 2024 (Sunday). This event marked a significant milestone in the collaborative university's efforts to address marine plastic pollution as part of the research initiative RaSP-SEA, funded by the UK Research & Innovation (UKRI).

The program, which engaged over 30 postgraduate students and staff from the Universiti Malaya, aimed to investigate the impact of plastic pollution in the oceans surrounding Southeast Asia. This Citizen Science and Action Research approach called TrashBlitz@Pantai Jeram initiative demonstrated a collective commitment to environmental conservation with both theory and on-site practical application.

Participants actively contributed to beach cleanup and trash auditing activities, diligently identifying and cataloging various types of litter found along the shoreline of Pantai Jeram, Kuala Selangor.Their efforts resulted in a thorough assessment of the amount and types of trash present in the area, totaling an astonishing 128 kilograms. At the end of the program, participants were exposed with a local handcraft-making activity hosted by Kuala Selangor community. 

Through initiatives like TrashBlitz@Pantai Jeram, Universiti Malaya continues to play a proactive role in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainability. By coupling research collaborations and community engagement, UM remains dedicated to creating a cleaner and healthier environment for current and future generations. UMSDC and partners extend our heartfelt gratitude to respective coordinator, facilitators and participants in making this sustainability citizen science program successful. 

#UMSustainability #TrashBlitz #PantaiJeram #CitizenScience #WasteAudit #BeachCleanup #RaSPSEA
