• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

In our bid to bolster students' academic writing skills and promote sustainable academic practices, the Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC) and Campus Sustainability FYP@UM Team hosted a dynamic workshop as part of the Campus Sustainability FYP@UM initiative. The event took place on 20th of March 2024, from 12 pm to 2 pm, simultaneously in the Workshop Room of Research Management & Innovation Complex (KPPI), and via Microsoft Teams.

The workshop, titled "Tips for Academic Writing," aimed to equip students with essential techniques and strategies for effective scholarly writing. Led by speaker Dr. Janice Lo Yueh Yea from the Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education UM, the session delved into various aspects of academic writing, ranging from the variety of academic style in writing to finding evidence to support claimant accurately.

The Campus Sustainability FYP@UM workshop on "Tips for Academic Writing" exemplifies UMSDC's commitment to fostering sustainable academic practices and equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their academic pursuits, in particular to support their completion of Final Year Project (FYP). As the university continues to champion sustainability initiatives, workshops like these play a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of academic excellence among the student community.

Read more about Campus Sustainability FYP@UM HERE

Slides for this session is retrievable HERE

#UMSustainability #FYP #CampusSustainability #InspireBeInspired
