400 Student Facilitators of Pre UM-Week of Welcome Embracing Sustainability and Carbon-Neutral Lifestyle
Date: 27 September 2022 (Tuesday), UM-WoW (7-14 October 2022)
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, PerdanaSiswa Complex (KPS) UM
UMSDC, in collaboration with the Secretariat of UM-Week of Welcome (UM-WoW) 2022/2023 under the Student Affairs Division, hosted a special training slot on Campus Sustainability and Carbon-Neutral Lifestyle. Four hundred student leaders (facilitators/pemudahcara mahasiswa) were engaged and trained on campus sustainability nudges.
The slots are delivered by:
UMSDC team (AP. Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad, Mr. Mohd Fadhli Rahmat Fakri & Mr. Affan Nasaruddin) on campus sustainability and SDGs
UMSDC and UM Zero Waste Campaign team (Mr. Mohd Fadhli, Mrs. Mairuz Asmarafariza Azlan & Mr. Hisyamuddin Che Harun) on Upcycling Competition and Fashionable Upcycling Bag Pitching Activity
Special thanks to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs) and all members of the UM-WoW Secretariat 2022/2023 for their endless support in making this chapter successful.
As a follow-up to this training, UMSDC had the opportunity to engage the 5000 new student intakes via:
Online survey on carbon-neutral/sustainable lifestyle
UMSDC Short Introductory Video
Promotion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Bite-Size Climate Action co-developed by UM and Nottingham University Malaysia
#climateaction #umsustainability #carbonneutral #sustainablelifestyle #globaluniversityimpactingtheworld #umwow #matadunia #mhs #universitimalaya