• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

15th UM Zero Waste Campaign Recycling and Buyback Program
Successfully Offset 1,526,935 kg CO2-eq from nearly 700 kg recyclables collected

As part of the University's long-term commitment to support 3R initiatives and the & UM No Single-Use Plastics and Waste Separation at Source Policy, UM Zero Waste Campaign (UM ZWC) continued its monthly Recycling & Buyback program in collaboration with campus sustainability strategic partners - Department of Development & Estate Maintenance (JPPHB) and UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UMSDC).

This 15th program was successful, with active participation and support from the campus community to promote the recycling culture. The collection of recyclables, including used cooking oil, hit almost 700 kilograms! (Actual amount: 697 kilograms). The number of recyclables collected has offset 1,526,935 kg CO2-eq carbon emissions, equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 12 trees grown for 10 years. In this session, 20 recyclers in the campus community have been engaged: a combination of individuals and PTj groups. 

Universiti Malaya thanks all the recyclers for your continuous support in making UM walking the talk and realizing its aspiration to be a carbon-neutral campus by 2050. 

Report prepared by 
UM Zero Waste Campaign
A Member of UM Circular Economy Living Labs Group

