• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

[Invitation] Inaugural Webinar of the SEA Bioethics Network- Bioethics in Southeast Asia: Ideals and Challenges

Jul 27, 2023
04.00 PM - 05.00 PM
Zoom Webinar

The Southeast Asia Bioethics Network is delighted to invite you to our inaugural webinar “Bioethics in Southeast Asia: Ideals and Challenges”.

Bioethics is essentially about addressing issues that lie at the intersection of health and ethics, engendered by scientific and biotechnological advancements, and concern for persons and vulnerable populations who are involved in or excluded from health care, research, and public or global health interventions.

To address these issues within SEA contexts, it is crucial that we draw from the rich traditions and distinctive voices in the region to foster morally sound and culturally appropriate practices and policies. Our webinar aims to create a space for meaningful conversations among scholars, researchers, health practitioners, health advocates and policymakers with an interest in bioethics and community-building. Event details as below:-

Date: 27th July 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 4.00-5.00 PM
Platform: Zoom

During this webinar, we have gathered a distinguished panel of bioethics scholars who will share their invaluable insights on the following questions:

· What unique contributions, if any, can SEA voices make to bioethics scholarship, discourse, and impact?

· What challenges, if any, do SEA researchers face in conducting bioethics research, translating it to practice, or advocating for change?

· What are some long standing or emerging ethical issues in SEA that are under-researched? How might scholars and researchers in and beyond SEA work together to address these issues?

Be part of the conversation and contribute to the collective advancement of bioethics in the vibrant region of SEA!

To reserve your spot, register now on the registration link provided below:


Thank you.