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  • +603 7967 4635


Universiti Malaya (UM) diiktiraf sebagai universiti ke-50 paling lestari di dunia daripada 1050 institusi pendidikan tinggi dalam penarafan kelestarian terkemuka dunia Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Rankings (UIGM) 2022. Sepanjang penyertaan UM dalam UIGM sejak 2011, UM berjaya menunjukkan peningkatan skor keseluruhan penarafan kelestarian kampus yang konsisten dengan peningkatan 1.85% kepada 85.6% berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Tema penarafan pada tahun 2022 ‘Tindakan transformasi kolektif ke arah universiti lestari dalam era pasca-pandemik’ memperkenalkan beberapa indikator baharu antaranya operasi dan penyelenggaraan bangunan, program inovatif dalam pengurusan tenaga dan perubahan iklim, intervensi pengawalan pencemaran air di kampus, dan program universiti dalam pemerkasaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran.  

UM merekodkan pencapaian membanggakan dengan pengiktirafan universiti terbaik di Malaysia bagi pengurusan air (100% bagi 4 tahun berturut-turut), pengurusan sisa (100%), dan landskap dan infrastruktur (90%). Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak ruang penambahbaikan terutamanya dalam indikator: i) Tenaga dan Perubahan Iklim, dan ii) Pengangkutan. Sub-indikator yang dinilai termasuklah inisiatif bangunan pintar, intervensi tenaga boleh diperbaharui, bangunan hijau, pengangkutan sifar pelepasan karbon, inisiatif pengurangan pengangkutan persendirian, dan seumpamanya. Maklumat lanjut dan terperinci bagi UIGM boleh diakses DI SINI

Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan buat ahli Sekretariat UM – UIGM 2022 di bawah penyelarasan Pusat Pembangunan Kelestarian UM – UMSDC yang diwakili pelbagai PTj terutamanya Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan Harta Benda (JPPHB), Pusat Data Korporat (CDC), Bahagian Pengurusan Geran Penyelidikan (BPGP), Pusat Jalinan Masyarakat UM (UMCares), Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar, Pusat Latihan Intern dan Pengayaan Akademik (CITrA), Jabatan Pentadbiran dan Perkhidmatan Akademik (AASD) atas usahasama komited dan sokongan yang tidak berbelah bahagi.

Penarafan kelestarian kampus merupakan satu wadah yang bermanfaat untuk menilai kekuatan dan kelemahan intervensi yang diusahakan, serta ianya merupakan platform untuk meraikan kejayaan dan keberhasilan yang digerakkan oleh warga Universiti Malaya: staf dan pelajar terutamanya dalam mendepani cabaran perubahan iklim dan kesihatan planetari.

Bersama, kita mampu mengorak langkah maju ke hadapan dalam merealisasikan visi UM sebagai universiti global memberi impak kepada dunia yang lebih lestari.

Tahniah dan terima kasih buat warga UM!

Selamat Tahun Baru 2023.

Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi)
Universiti Malaya



Universiti Malaya (UM) ranked 50th World’s Most Sustainable University out of 1050 participating higher education institutions in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (UIGM) 2022.

This ranking provides an online assessment of annual campus sustainability performance, with this year’s participation increased by 94 new members joining the commitment to make their campus greener and sustainable. There are six indicators used in the assessment of UIGM with its individual weightage: Setting and Infrastructure (15%), Energy and Climate Change (21%), Waste Management (18%), Water Management (10%), Transportation Management (18%), and Education and Research on Sustainability (18%).

UM has shown consistency in its overall score improvement of 85.6% (increment of 1.85% as compared to 2021), with notable achievements as Malaysia’s Best in Water (100%) for four consecutive years, Waste (100%), and Setting and Infrastructure (90%).

The 2022’s theme, ‘Collective actions for transforming sustainable universities in the post-Pandemic time,’ aimed at universities’ efforts to continue their sustainability programs and policies while preparing for teaching, learning, and research in post-pandemic Covid-19. A total of four (4) new sub-indicators are introduced: i) operation and maintenance activities of building, ii) innovative programs in energy and climate change, iii) water pollution control on campus, and iv) university programs to improve teaching and learning.

UM believes the spirit of this ranking aims to promote university-led sustainability transformation while informing governments, international and local agencies, and society on the commitment made by higher education institutions towards Sustainable Development Goals and a better environment.

Our appreciation goes to all members of UM – UIGM Secretariat 2022 under the coordination of UM Sustainability and Development Centre – UMSDC [comprises all respective PTjs, in particular, the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB), Corporate Data Centre (CDC), Research Grant Management Division (BPGP), UM Community Engagement Centre (UMCares), Student Affairs Division, Centre for Internship Training and Academic Enrichment (CITrA), and Academic Administration and Services Department (AASD)].

Moving forward, there is indeed room for improvement for UM to chart a better performance for the benefit and well-being of its campus community. Two of them require serious and strategic attention: i) Energy and Climate Change and ii) Transportation. These areas are a core component embedded in UM Transformation Plan and UM’s aspiration to become a carbon-neutral campus by 2050. Among the indicators assessed in these two areas: smart building, renewable energy interventions, green building, zero-emission vehicles on campus, initiatives to decrease private vehicles on campus, and many others. More details on UIGM can be referred to HERE

Green and sustainability rankings are a useful tool to assess our performance: strengths and weaknesses while celebrating the collective efforts of the campus community; staff and students in this challenging time, particularly in addressing climate change and planetary health.

With the spirit of ‘Inspire, Be Inspired,’ we welcome everyone on board in realizing UM’s vision to be a global university impacting the world for a sustainable future.

Heartiest congratulations to all, and thank you for your contribution and undivided support!

Happy New Year 2023.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Universiti Malaya


UM in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2011-2021

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Last Update: 20/03/2024