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  • +603 7967 4635

Congratulations! UM Students Championing Residential College Sustainability Initiatives
in UM Eco-Challenge 2021/2022: Inclusive Climate Action

Date: 23 December 2022 (Friday)
Time: 3 pm - 5 pm
Venue: UM Gallery Exhibition Hall, Research Management and Innovation Complex (RMIC), UM

The time has come to announce the winners of UM Eco-Challenge 2021/2022 with the sub-theme: Inclusive Climate Action. UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UMSDC) and its unit EcoCampus@UM are pleased to share the results of UM Eco-Challenge 2021/2022:

Gold Winner: Bestari Cares (4th Residential College) - RM1000, trophy and certificate
Silver Winner: Kurshiah Cares (3rd Residential College) - RM700, trophy and certificate
Best Presenter: Ms. Sharifah Zulaila Syed Abu Bakar (Bestari Cares): Certificate

UM Eco-Challenge assesses the following elements: 1) landscape and biodiversity, 2) waste, 3) water, 4) energy and climate change, and 5) transportation and mobility. One of the highlights of this year's evaluation is to promote the spirit of Partnership for the Goals. Associate Professor Dr. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin (Director of UMCares) delivered the welcoming speech, award-giving ceremony, and the official launch of the UMCares Club (registered under the UM Student Affairs Division).  Ir. Dr. Khairunnisa Hasikin (Fellow, EcoCampus@UM) represents UMSDC to deliberate on judges' feedback and subsequently delivered the award for UM Eco-Challenge category. 

The platform called UMCares Squad Award (for Community Engagement) and UM Eco-Challenge Award (for Sustainability) promotes healthy competition among student groups to make UM a more sustainable university holistically by covering environmental, social, and economic dimensions. 

The UM Eco-Challenge is expected to be continued in 2023 with a more engaging yet challenging theme covering SDGs and Carbon Neutral lifestyle as part of the commitment of UM to promote Green Culture @ UM among students, our future leaders! Special thanks to UM Community Engagement Centre (UMCares) for the collaboration in hosting UM Eco-Challenge as part of the UMCares Award. 


#umsustainability #umcares #umecochallenge #umcaressquad #carbonneutral #climateaction #sdg #greenculture #globaluniversityimpactingtheworld #kurshiahcares #bestaricares
