• umsdc@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4635

14 UM Student Leaders Participated in the National Youth Climate Consultation hosted by MyHutan
28 May 2022 (Saturday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm @ Auditorium, Nexus Bangsar South


Climate change has increased levels of uncertainty about our future. As its impacts intensify over time, one thing has become certain: We will leave the Earth to today's children, young people, and future generations. Young people are not only victims of climate change. They are also valuable contributors as change agents, entrepreneurs, and innovators to climate action. Whether through education, science, or technology, young people are scaling up their efforts and using their skills to accelerate climate action.

UM Sustainability and Development Centre (UM SDC) is home to UM Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 14 UM passionate undergraduate student leaders comprise UM SDG Youth Ambassadors, UM SDG Youth Challenge 2021's Alumni, and members of UM Volunteers Secretariat (SEKRUM) participated in this Summit with the coordination of UM SDC. 

Among the hot topics negotiated among the delegates:
1) what are the measures to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Malaysia?
2) What bodies or agencies are readily available or considered upfront in dealing with climate crises?
3) What type of approach should be imposed on the primary industries sector (e.g., mining and agriculture) and secondary industries (e.g., manufacturing)?
4) What policies should be formulated or executed regarding human protection against climate change impact, energy resources, and food security? How can it be done without jeopardizing the economy and development? 

14 UM Student Leaders attended the Summit:

  1. Magdalena Maya Anak David (UM SDG Youth Ambassador)

  2. Izzah Najihah Mohd Nasir (UM SDG Youth Ambassador)

  3. Lim Ming Jun (UM SDG Youth Ambassador)

  4. Mohammad Abrar Arif (UM SDG Youth Ambassador)

  5. Afif Afnan Ahmad Azmi (UM Volunteers Secretariat - SEKRUM)

  6. Che Syahmeen Che Nordin (SEKRUM)

  7. Jasmeen Nabila Mukhtar (SEKRUM)

  8. Nasya Ameera Abd Rashid (SEKRUM)

  9. Noh Haiqal Aripin (SEKRUM)

  10. Nur Jannah Jefry (SEKRUM)

  11. Wan Shazwana Wan Shaharudin (SEKRUM)

  12. Nurhafizah Zahiridin (SEKRUM)

  13. Nur Ain Zainal Fitri (UM SDG Youth Challenge 2021 Alumni)

  14. Sharvinmenon Chandramenon (UM SDG Youth Challenge 2021 Alumni)

On behalf of Universiti Malaya, special thanks to MyHutan, SDSN Malaysia, and all partners for the opportunity for UM student leaders to take part in this great exposure, educational experience, and capacity building on climate action. This event is hosted as part of the Malaysian Youth for Forest Action Summit 2022.

#climateaction #climatejustice #climatecrisis #youth #MyHutan #UniversitiMalaya 
